Oh, and calling a dive team off as you are standing there on the dive platform, after you just spent a zillion on the prep, the airfare, and the hotel, is never easy. But you can never express that in front of a dive partner. That is tremendous pressure. There are a bucket load of diving accident reports that have this factor in their review. So, smile, be happy, and save it for private. Take up chopping wood. I was in an opposite situation than most. In my dive shop, a lot of my students were women who would then bring in their boyfriends and spouses. That is just as much trouble. Men often have to feel confident in front of the ladies in their lives, so them being pressured to dive is still pressure to dive nonetheless. Pressure to dive turns the heart and mind inward, and the diver loses focus. A Solo Dive that is backed-off way, way away from the limits to accommodate a dive team member who didn’t feel well, or didn’t like the water, or didn’t sleep well, or just found out that there are lots of sea snakes down there, just might be a safer dive-matrix all the way around. I have seen divers start to lose confidence because they looked over the side and didn’t like the color. So, hey, $1, 000 hotel bill, $1,500 airfare, this year’s vacation ... Hakuna matata! "Karaoke is fun too!" In case you want to know "Karaoke mo tanoshi’desu!" Lol. I bet divers in America don’t often think of Karaoke as something that saves people’s lives. If you are disappointed that you had to change a dive plan, think of the once in a life time dive trip to Hawaii for the typical Tokyo Office worker. That is why they really drill this.