SantaFeSandy - 8/28/2014 6:17 AM
Well put Tamara. I have some friends in KY, who are now beginning their certification as OW divers. Until they get up and running, don’t be a stranger to the FL springs. When you are here, I will gladly photograph you in some of the overhead environments, to establish more of a profile. :-) Of course, I haven’t been to your website yet, so you may well have a zillion photos of yourself, that I am not aware of.

As for your diving ethics, I concur. As a former professional female thoroughbred jockey, who was among those fighting for women’s racing rights, it was imperative to be all work, and to project the right image. I have no regard for women in any walk of life, who use their God given assets to one up anybody else, in a profession. If you don’t have the knowledge and expertise as a professional "whatever" then study and apply yourself more!!!