Check out the DG03 for $259 at divegearexpress. You cannot go wrong with this computer at the price even if it was $400. You can add a transmitter later if you want air integration. Good support and out of warranty program ($125 they ship you a new computer after warranty expires).
The Hollis is the same as Oceanic or Aeris (all same rebranded, Aeris is no longer), same exact computer. I have been diving these computers (Oceanics, Aeris) since the 90’s for recreational stuff as have most of my buds and no issues with the algorithm. The suuntos are beepy and fussy imo, but definitely more conservative. You can always set the conservatism on the Oceanics etc to the safer side if you find your feeling beat up after your dives. I also use my Aeris T3 in gauge mode as backup time and depth next to my Predator for other types of dives.
The DG03 can be beepy if you don’t set it up to shut up, all in the settings, pretty simple.