Magdalena - 1/02/2009 7:17 AM
  1. Can you please make it possible to rate peoples photoes. From 1 to 5, where 5 is the best! That would make people more careful to put up good photoes, and make it more easy for me and other members to find the good ones, if ou also make it possible to search photoes depending on their rating. Maybe peopel would get more interested in putting up more photoes this way? Why not make it possible to also categorise photoes, in scuba divinb, personal and other?
  2. I would also like to have the possibility to see how many people have been looking at my side since my last login, and who.
  3. I would love if there would be a possibility to have an emty space between two lines like this... I ask you for 3 things, but can not put an empty space between then, have to separate them by colour. Otherwise it will all melt together even if I have the numbers.


Thank for a great site Greg.
