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Why not Maldives
mdtG - 7/20/2009 1:17 PM
Category: Ads & Offers
Replies: 3

Dive buddies, if you aren’t aware of the Maldives as being one of the best dive locations in the world, then let me be the first to let you know of it. Check out and see for yourself what you’ve been missing out on. You can get some awesome deals on liveaboards with professional divers that know their ways around the islands and atolls.
kc_moses76 - 7/21/2009 11:43 AM
Seems to be a good side. I think it’s in the middle of now where seems to make it less accessible. I like Sipadan/Kapalai in Borneo because it’s closer to my home town and the price is reasonable.

How far is Maldives from the shore? Does people fly into India or Indonesia?
mdtG - 7/21/2009 12:03 PM
The Maldives are quite remote, but that’s what makes the diving all the more incredible. However, it is rather easily accessible since there are daily flights through dubai and india to Male International Airport, where you will be picked up by crew members from the liveaboard.

The Maldives is a sovereign country formed of several atolls, and if you mean how far it is from India, it’s about 300 miles away from the coast of India and Sri Lanka.

They also have several local carriers to fly around the different atolls, and in the past 10 years there has been a growing amount of divers that are discovering the Maldives.
msutherl - 7/21/2009 5:06 PM
From kc_moses76: Seems to be a good side. I think it’s in the middle of now where seems to make it less accessible. I like Sipadan/Kapalai in Borneo because it’s closer to my home town and the price is reasonable.

How far is Maldives from the shore? Does people fly into India or Indonesia?

Over 50% of the tourists to the Maldives are from Europe, and arrival is becoming easier each year.

For example, British Airways will began thrice weekly direct flights in October.