Well the 1st problem is clicking on a link by someone who just joined, no one wants to be the 1st to discover it might be malware :(
2nd issue is there is a divelog on DB that does most of the same things :)
The submit button on the first page isn’t accessible on iphone6
Cesc - 12/27/2019 6:17 AM 
LatitudeAdjustment and Eric_R, thanks for taking the time to answer, very appreciated! :)
LatitudeAdjustment: Both are fair points :), I understand it can look suspicious and probably rushed too much into posting before a proper introduction. If it helps brining some transparency, this is me: linkedin.com/in/fmontserrat/ attempting to put my two passions together into building something hopefully useful to other divers.
About point 2, you are totally right, an online logbook is reinvention of the wheel at this point :-/ but if anyone here has a wish of what software tools could do for divers I would be very happy to include changes or pivot into something more useful.
Again thanks for the reply :)
P.S: I wasn’t able to reply earlier because my account approval was pending, not sure how I was able to post in the first place :D
I see you have capability to export. Can you import? Probably the single biggest reason I would not use an online logbook would difficulty in getting the information in. Even PADI has not been able to come up with a usable online log book. While typing your info into a web form may be acceptable for the diver who does 3 vacation dives per year it is not realistic for me. I want to dump my dives from my computer, add text and photos and have the ability to export these to a nicely formatted PDF logbook page, possibly in a variety of sizes and formats. Take a look at Subsurface and see if you can offer more features. The opening page that asks for a dive site and then tells me it doesn’t exist, asking me to add it makes me think this log entry is going to be a tedious process from the start. I didn’t even bother going past that. Don’t make me go one page at a time.
Cesc - 12/30/2019 10:44 AM 
Scott_R that’s great feedback! Thank you!!!
If I can ask, do you use Subsurface? Importing Subsurface format (and computer data directly later on) would be relatively quick to support in combination with adding additional details like text and pictures to the bulk or individual dives. Do you think that would be of value to you?