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Average number of dives per day
DeepBlueDreaming - 8/26/2013 2:02 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 37

I’m new to diving and so I have some curiosity type questions?
What is the average number of dives you normally plan out for a single day?
joe_bird - 12/23/2017 10:58 PM
[Choose #2] I prefer to do 3, but I typically choose to do 2 in lieu of risking hypothermia
MDW - 11/13/2014 7:00 AM
[Choose #4] If I have all day, I’ll do 4 or 5. If I have other things to do that day, I’ll do 2 in the morning and then head out by noon.
Greg - 9/25/2013 8:38 AM
[Choose #2] 2 dives a day is good for me, that leaves plenty of time for hanging out and relaxing :)
daz88 - 9/19/2013 1:31 AM
[Choose #5] just depends on where I’m diving and for how long, and what else is going on. usually try and get as much time blowing bubbles as I can, so just keep going until I’m tired or until the tanks are empty and the shops are closed
Plmr747 - 9/10/2013 9:52 AM
[Choose #3] Always make sure the batteries in your computer are o.k.
LONGTAILBDA - 8/31/2013 4:21 PM
[Choose #3] 2 to 3 dives usually have done as many as 6
DiveBuddyChgo - 8/30/2013 8:54 PM
[Choose #2] 2 dives local cold water/ tropical vacation avg. 4 dives a day.
uwlover4u - 8/29/2013 7:45 AM
[Choose #5] I work hard all week so I overdose (LOL) on diving on weekends.
Granitehawk - 8/28/2013 6:27 PM
[Choose #2] Did a three a day dive a couople of time, found it just wiped me out
FritzMoore - 8/28/2013 2:15 PM
[Choose #2] There is one dive boat that allows three dives per trip so when i get a chance I dive with them.
dontdiveenuf - 8/27/2013 1:10 PM
[Choose #3] Local=2, Away=4 or 5; Average = 3 - 3.5 :-)
RockRat2008 - 8/27/2013 6:12 AM
[Choose #2] As most others said, if it is just local quarry diving, usually 2 dives. If away it is 3-4.
WarmWaterTurner - 8/27/2013 6:04 AM
[Choose #4] 2 morning, 1 afternoon, and 1 night while vacationing
Agojo - 8/27/2013 3:42 AM
[Choose #3] Usually 3 if private boat and 4 if am/pm charter or shore dives not tide sensitive
RAWalker - 8/27/2013 1:14 AM
[Choose #2] 2 for a day of local diving but when on dive vacations it can bump up to 4 a day.
oceanfloor - 8/26/2013 6:59 PM
[Choose #5] Usually four but five is perfect :)
GenoMc - 8/26/2013 3:52 PM
[Choose #3] When diving at home It’s normally 2 dives a day,, when traveling to a warmer climate to dive I will do 2 morning dives and then at least 1 night dive.