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Diving Great Barrier Reef in March
DiveGirl - 1/03/2014 11:09 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

Planning a trip to Australia. Want to dive the Great Barrier Reef. Plan on going March 1st - 14th. Anyone have any tips or suggestions? I read that the Box Jellyfish season doesn’t end until April. Is this something I should be worried about?
I have never been to Australia so I don’t really know where to start. Was thinking of flying into Cairns, but am flexible if someone suggest a better location.
I’m super excited! We are taking advantage of my hubby’s deployment to have Uncle Sam pay for his airfare for his R&R. Not really looking forward to the 28 hr travel time by myself but it’s worth it to dive the Great Barrier Reef!
Any feedback would be awesome!
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/04/2014 7:11 AM
"I read that the Box Jellyfish season doesn’t end until April. Is this something I should be worried about?"

I just read Biomedsearch that an oil and lemon treatment is showing promise, another use for the WD-40 in your save-a-dive kit!
GoDeeper - 1/13/2014 6:46 PM
I spent 6 months in Australia. I dove for 2 weeks on a liveaboard out of Cairns called Down Under Dive. That is for sure the city to be in to dive the Barrier Reef. The town is great too. Not too big, easy to get around and enjoy. They are very friendly there, very helpful to tourist. You will love it! The plane ride isn’t that bad. Beer is free on the plane. Although, it makes for a lot of trips to the bathroom, but whatever. A few movies, a few meals, and your there. Have fun!!
downunder1957 - 5/09/2014 3:23 AM
I’m probably a little late and you have already been and gone But for what its worth the dive shop I did work at won Padi" Worlds best dive shop" in 2011.Abyss at Ramsgate just google abyss and it will come up.The best dive boatfor the great barrier reef is Mike Ball (scuba hall of fame alongside Jacques costeau) the best price is through Abyss.Lots of good diving in Sydney for the beginner or the advanced and up and down the coast.Abyss does a lot of dive travel and all the exotic locations.Galapagos is the next bid trip for me ,just been to the Maldives and it was mindblowing.So if Australia is on your agenda check out there website,you will not be disappointed.Or you can drop me a line happy to help if I can
regards peter