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Guillaume Nery base jumping at Dean’s Blue Hole
Eric_R - 1/31/2014 10:25 AM
Category: Free Diving
Replies: 5

This is awesome! Click to view.;)
Greg - 1/31/2014 11:37 AM
Yeah, that is really amazing! Do you think he went up for another breath right before the jump? He leaves his weight belt on during the ascent and basically climbs up the side of the hole...crazy! I would have dropped that weight belt at about 80 feet underwater and rushed back to the surface :)
DEWITT03 - 2/01/2014 1:52 PM
It’s a cool short movie. but he didn’t do it on one breath from what the huffington post says.
tardmaster - 2/02/2014 7:33 PM
he certainly go to the bottom of a six hundred foot hole in that shot. unless it was cut up an edited. very coll none the less.
JasonP - 7/09/2014 8:24 PM
This video is currently the best "spectator" experience of the essence and beauty of freediving. Having the discipline to maintain mental and physiological peace while being physically active in a normally-inhospitable environment allows you to be there fully and enjoy it. For me, that’s one of the primary attractions of freediving. It’s very humbling and spiritual.

The simplicity of gear is a big plus, too. (Though the really simple and refined gear can get quite pricey.)