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Certified! ready to dive!
Sonnylynnvick75 - 3/31/2014 9:59 AM
Category: General
Replies: 11

I got my certification Yesterday and went for my first non Course dive. I spent all weekend at Vortex Springs Florida. We did all skills, nitrox dives, and a leisure stroll dive. I got certified and my buddy and I were the only two from our entire group to opt for our first dive without instructors. Everything went great, shot a little bit of Gopro footage and explored the springs. Now I’m ready for more dives. I have a lofty of goal of 50 dives this year so if anyone is going to be diving anywhere near Chattanooga, drop me a line.
dalehall - 3/31/2014 10:04 AM
Congrats.. Welcome to your new obsession.. :D
Eric_R - 3/31/2014 4:34 PM
Welcome aboard the SS Craziness.
divingbear - 3/31/2014 4:50 PM
Good for you, enjoy the "down time"
UWnewbee - 3/31/2014 5:31 PM
congratz,, youre now re born again lol
lerpy - 4/01/2014 4:26 AM
Congrats on becoming certified. Get ready to spend money and time obsessing. Dive safe.
Sonnylynnvick75 - 4/01/2014 4:29 AM
I’ve got all my gear that I need, Tanks, and my certification so I’m ready to go
tardmaster - 4/01/2014 7:57 AM
congrats and welcome to the club. You don’t live too far from me. Let me know if you ever have any questions. I’ll be more than glad to help.
RockRat2008 - 4/01/2014 11:05 AM
If you’re willing to drive North I’m in Nashville and do a lot of quarry diving in this area. I’ll also try to keep you posted on our trips down to Florida in case you’re free to come along.
Sonnylynnvick75 - 4/01/2014 11:29 AM
Rock Rat, when do you start diving Jeffs quarry? Would a 2 peice 5mm work?
deSz - 4/01/2014 9:18 PM
Congrats .. From now on your body will trembling everytime see underwater photo and wanna jump immadiately inside the photo LOL (neeee i am joking) .. Enjoy!
rashley - 4/02/2014 5:01 PM
Welcome to the fold. As they say in some of my other hobbies, open your wallet. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it seems that it always is for me.

Enjoy your new hobby and most of all. Stay wet.