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DiveBuddy Website Update - Subscribed Dive Sites
Greg - 8/16/2014 9:07 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 1

I just updated the "My Dive Sites" section to include any dive sites that you’ve been to OR are subscribed to. That way you can subscribe to dive site that you’re interested in and it will remain on your dive sites page. The dive map on your profile will still only show dive sites that you’ve been to.

Subscribing to a dive site means you’ll get notifications when new comments are posted.

When you add a new dive log, the dive sites drop down menu will also include dive sites you’re subscribed to and that you’ve already been to. If you choose a dive site that you haven’t been to yet when you’re adding a dive log, the Rating field will show up because you need to add a rating the first time you say you’ve been to a dive site.

Let me know if you experience any issues.

Thank you!
Kamdive - 8/16/2014 10:30 PM
Cool I like that !!!!