Passed my CCR Cave course!
tstormdiver - 4/29/2015 3:38 AM
Replies: 4

Finally finished up my CCR Cave course that I have been working on since Oct. (I take my time).It has been a mixed bag of frustration, elation & even some sadness from a fatality that occurred at the dive site we were using. During the course I grew in many ways. I learned what I did well, what needs a lot of attention, what limitations I have with my current skills & learned to know when my head is not in the game for a dive & to call that dive to get myself straightened out. Now to help a friend who is a newly minted cave diver enjoy the caves here in FL!
Greg - 4/29/2015 5:39 AM
Awesome, congratulations! What brand/model Rebreather did you use? Sorry to hear about the fatality...that had to shake up your nerves a bit.
NORTHEAST - 4/29/2015 9:48 AM
Congrats Tammy!!!!!!
tstormdiver - 4/29/2015 5:07 PM
Gred, I am diving on the Hollis Prism2.

Thanks Eric!
TennJay - 4/29/2015 7:02 PM