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Help save our reefs and eliminate Lionfish!
EAustin494 - 12/01/2015 7:21 AM
Category: Ads & Offers
Replies: 5

I hope this is allowed of not please delete it. I am president of Reef Medics Foundation based in Sarasota Fl. We are a non-profit focusing on invasive Lionfish elimination. We have adopted several reefs in the local area to survey and keep clean of lionfish. We also provide educational programs to schools and scholarships for kids interested in marine ecology related fields. All of our staff are volunteers. On Giving Tuesday we need more members and donations to continue our programs. Please visit our website at and join us or make a donation today.
Eric_R - 12/01/2015 6:43 PM
Between Lion fish in the Oceans, Zebra mussels in the Great lakes and Asian carp in the Mississippi we sure have screwed things up.
ScoobahJim - 4/07/2017 12:25 PM
Elimination reminds me of a word called Extinction. Lets be careful. Elimination doesn’t sound like a good option. I do however understand the desire to thin out the population. Let’s make sure we’re making the right decisions for the right reasons.
EAustin494 - 4/07/2017 7:54 PM
Elimination is needed here. These fish are not native to this area and have no predators to keep their population in check. They were released due to damage from hurricane Andrew to the Miami Seaquaruim. They have breed out of control ever since. They move into reefs and wipe out all of the native fish disrupting the natural ecosystems. While they should be left alone in there natural waters, here in the Atlantic and Caribbean if they are left unchecked they will cause the extinction of natural occurring species. Reef Medics supports the protection of all native species. We do cleanups, educational seminars and dive surveys to help protect our oceans.