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Dives in Washington state
roebot90 - 5/01/2017 8:18 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

New diver here. Traveling back home to Washington state. I know the water is cold, but does anyone have any info on any good dives for an entry level diver? Most of the sites I found were around the Seattle-Tacoma area and had descent currents to contend with. Just wondering if there was any up to date site info out there. Thanks.
JeffNColdWater - 5/01/2017 11:03 PM
In the sound you’ll always get some surge from the tides going in or out, but they are usually pretty mild. You can go to West Seattle and dive the coves near the water taxi. There isn’t a lot to see there but it is a good place to practice cold water skills. Hoodsport on the sound is also pretty good diving. While you will get some tidal surge it is pretty mild. Also you can call the Ocean Quest dive charter and talk to them. They are pretty good and can let you know which of their charters are best for less experienced divers. Of course you can always take a class or two. Those will help build confidence.
JeffNColdWater - 5/01/2017 11:06 PM
I’ve found the info here pretty reliable.

I’m down in Portland, but try to dive once a month.
TimM - 5/02/2017 11:11 AM
I would recommend Edmonds under water park. It is a great site for shore dives with pretty easy entry. It has well marked trails and plenty to see. As JeffNColdWater mentioned there will need to consider the tides so you defiantly want to dive during slack tide.