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So Here`s What Happened
bpsf1 - 5/07/2007 6:18 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 1

A few weeks ago while on a trip to Ginnie Springs, a fellow diver had some trouble while we were drifting the river.At first I thought his buddy would help him,then I realized that if I didn`t do something, no one would. He had been swimming against the current, he was overly weighted, and his regulator was "weezing." I yelling, "establish buoyancy!" But i think everyone was in a bit of shock. I worked my way to him he was saying that he wanted to remove his BCD. replied, "No!" "Look into my eyes..breathe with me."All the while I was inflating his BCD without him realizing it.I instructed him to lay on his back, that he was buoyant and to relax."Look up at that beautiful sky.take a deep breath...relax"I then performed the tired diver tow to shore. Due to space constraints,Im consolidating the story greatly.Bottom line, I have 20 resrt and 16 cert dives never thought I would actually use some of those skills.Everything turned out fine and the guy was diving again later on that day.
DalelynnSims - 5/08/2007 6:30 AM
Hi there

No one ever expects to use OOA skills, rescue breathing, CPR, tired diver tow and the like. Like insurance we learn these things hoping to never use them. You however found the value early of learning these skills and stopped a potential problem before it escalated into something worse and your actions did exactly what they were supposed to accomplish. As you may know most of the problems with diving occur on the surface. I have seen my share on the surface as well as below and everyone is here to enjoy another day of diving in the watery wonders, thanks to you the same can be said for this occurrence.

Best Fishes!! [