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Dana from Bay Shore NY | Scuba Diver

Hi there my name is Dana, and I just started diving but I really enjoy except that my ears suck ass and I can`t equalize and yes i have tried every technique in the book the sinus doctor guy told me my sinuses just hate me pretty much.


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Rocketron - 9/23/2007 6:05 PM
Instead of blowing,try just pushing the back of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. start equalizing early( at the surface) and often!
CanuckDiver - 9/20/2007 11:24 PM
I guess you have been taught like everyone else but I found it was easier to just shallow instead blowing into your nose to equalise. Starting from the day before you dive, anytime you have something to drink, just pinch your nose before you swallow whatever your drinking. It forces the ears to equalise and makes it easier to equalise during the dive. Tou might find that this trick does not always work under water, but now you have two methods to equalise. Jordan.
ff1diver - 9/18/2007 2:32 PM
I totally agree with harleydiver. Equalize and equalize often--do not wait for your ears to start screaming before you try various techniques. Remember safety first and enjoy the beauty beneath the waves.
harleydiver - 9/17/2007 8:18 PM
Welcome to Equalization is easy if you start on the top and equalize frequently. keep your fingers at your nose as you decend and try to equalize every 2 to 3 seconds. You`ll pick it up naturally from there. Go Gators!