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Andrew from Torrington CT | Scuba Diver
Andrew Devlin - skrilla
United States Torrington CT
46 years old
Joined On: 7/20/2011
Last Login: 6/29/2015
Experience: Advanced
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Relationship: Married
Company: I.M.P.
Open Water Diver, mainly cold water.


skrilla - 9/20/2013 1:56 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Shark Identification Quiz
Greg - 9/21/2013 9:37 AM
Good job on the quiz!
sarah215 - 12/14/2011 2:38 AM
Actually these are the Aqua Lung SlingShot fins but not the travel ones, mine are much longer. Since these are the first set of fins i have owned and used i cant really tell you how good they are compared to other fins but i do like them a lot, you are able to just the fins from flexible to stiff. I never had any problems with these fins even through strong currents. 

Here is a link to what the HotShot (travel size) looks like-
WCReefers - 11/08/2011 10:12 AM
Just alittle over 4lbs