Thomas - Grinner
Warner Robins GA
Joined On: 3/27/2009
Last Login: 2/20/2014
Experience: Advanced
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Company: Diver’s Supply
Retired USAF Lt Colonel. Been diving since I was 12. Started in 1969 back in the stone age before BC’s, dive computers, and before PADI and NAUI were the foundation of certification. We were also require to be in excellent physical shape and had to pass rigorous swimming tests or no certification. Back when, believe it or not you put on your weight belt LAST... LOL. Transferred over to PADI in 1998 for legitimacy. Have dived the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, Conzumel, and Belize. Wall coral dives were the best, but learned the most in murky conditions. To be honest, open water dives in strong current raises the hair on the back of my neck. Night diving on a reef is a rush. Diving with sharks is interesting also, and not as dangerous as some might thinkthat is if you don’t spear fish and carry the catch around on your waist like a friend of mine used to do. My gear of choice is mainly TUSA. Nuff said.