North Carolina and June bring one thought to my mind and that is Sand Tiger I had my mind set on getting some spear fishing done this trip, so we jetted out to 23 Mile Ledge to hopefully avoid the sharks boy was I wrong. It was our first dive and everything was going great I had shot 2 sheepshead and was only 25 minutes into the dive. I was cruising along the bottom of the ledge when I had spotted a good sized grouper I lined up and took the shot. As soon as the spear penetrated the grouper a three to four foot bull shark came jetting along the ledge and decided that the grouper belonged to him. I am not one to argue with any creature while under the water, especially while 2 bleeding fish are hanging from my BC. So I did what any other sensible person would do say good bye to his spear and cut the line. After cutting my line and watching a bull shark take my grouper and spear I decided it would be a good time to salvage what I got and head for the surface. We eventually did 2 more dives that day. My buddies ended up sharing some of there other catches with me seeing no one thought to carry a spare spear, or line. Needless to say I always carry one extra spear and line on the boat now.