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Scuba Skills Challenge
Event Date Sun, March 4, 2012 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Event Location Grand Haven, MI
Event Price 2011 price was $15 ($25 if you want a T-shirt)
Contact Information Scuba Zoo, (231)-828-4400 | More Info

LakeshoreDM - View Member Calendar
Category: Other Event
Comments: 1
The Scuba Skills Challenge is a team competition made up of 7 scuba skill and fun events. The event is open to everyone so get your team together, or come as an individual and join a team that needs members. Only 1 professional diver (divemaster/instructor) is allowed per team, to keep this a fair event for all. Call Scuba Zoo in Twin Lake for more information at (231)-828-4400

Event 1: Obstacle Course

An obstacle course made up of hoops to swim through, bars to swim around or under to test your buoyancy.

Event 2: Controlled Obstacle Course

An obstacle course to navigate through while controlling a ping pong ball held with a tablespoon

Event 3: Snorkeling Poker Run

An event to test snorkeling skills, while trying for the best poker hand

Event 4: U-W Frisbee Toss

Tossing an underwater frisbee at a target for points.

Event 5: Equipment Assembly

A timed event testing your ability to don your mask, fins, bcd/tank at the bottom of the pool and ascend safely.

Event 6: Puzzle Assembly

Assemble a PVC tubing puzzle underwater while blindfolded.

Event 7: Tired Diver Tow Relay

A 4 person relay for time. where each person is both the tired diver and the rescuer.


Greg - 3/01/2012 10:07 AM
That sounds like a great schedule! Would you mind sending me the details of each event. I might want to do something like this in my neck of the woods.

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