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Siouxland Dive Rescue
Riverdiver - 6/16/2012 8:10 AM
Replies: 0

Siouxland Dive Rescue is located in Sioux City Iowa we have been in around since 1981 and I have been with the team since the begining. We struggle as all volunteer teams I am sure do with budget and keeping members. We have all types of water in our response area except the ocean. We ahve the Missouri river which runs at around 6 knots here to any kind of small body ow water you can think of. Always looking for new ways of doing things and will share our experiance with anyone. We dont have the answer on how to do everything but we might save you from making the same mistakes we made. In my time with team I have concluded that the hardest thing in Public Safety diving is knowing when to turn down a mission and the doing that/