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New Diver
Harb1456 - 2/03/2013 9:53 PM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 9

So i am planning on getting certified and it seems every where i look for info i get no where. i have been diving in mexico on a beginers dive. i was the only english speaking person so that made it hard to ask questions. i did not have any problems other then water in my mask around my nose. so i been reading about clearing your mask and i see you just have to stay calm. i was worried about ear pressure with going down to far. i have had problems with going down in a swimming pool. i have seen some Doc’s proplugs only and was thanking about getting them. i loved it when i did my one dive just scared that it might not be the same when i go get certified.
Green_Achers - 2/03/2013 10:19 PM
Glad you’re here. I just got my Open Water last summer and can assure you that your training class that you need will walk you through all these questions/problems. You can also find most everything on YouTube but its still vital to have an instructor with you to show/watch you and as a safety monitor. Besides, you’ll need the certification before anyone outside of Mexico will rent gear and fill tanks for you.

Depending on where you live, you may have some very reasonable priced classes near by.

Best wishes. Bill
Diving4Fun - 2/03/2013 10:48 PM
Hi New Diver,

Great to hear there may be another dive soon to be
certified! First off, if I read the posting correctly you mentioned a possible
ear problem. It wouldn’t hurt to discuss diving with a physician before signing
up. Depending on where you live, most local dive shops will have a try scuba
session available for no to little cost in their pool. Google PADI, NAUI, and SSI,
each cortication agency will have links how of how to find your local shop.
Many of those who are turned off from the diving sport are a direct result of
bad instruction or concerns that were not properly handled by the instructor
and/or his/her staff. Where are you located? Someone one here might be able to
direct you to a great local shop!
Harb1456 - 2/04/2013 10:54 AM
I have been diving before and did not have a issue. I have seen where people have had problems going to the bottom of a pool but had no issues while diving.
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/04/2013 11:15 AM
From Greg: Here is an explanation of how docs pro plugs work: "While the small vent allows equalization to occur it does not allow debris to enter and it prevents earwax from washing out which exposes delicate ear tissue. The Proplugs keep ears warm by storing the head’s conductive heat; the warmth provided by the plugs drastically reduces the risk of thermal shock. Due to surface tension the vented plug also reduces abrupt pressure changes from reaching the sensitive eardrum which contributes to easier eq...
Thanks Greg for the explaination, as I’ve gotten older I have more trouble clearing. While in a Keys dive shop I asked the lone tank monkey about ProPlugs and he couldn’t help me.
JMorales - 2/04/2013 7:56 PM
Greg I dont know if you have used them before, however I have a couple of friends who have tried them and they all agree that they seem to done nothing to help equalizing.

To the OP, try wiggling your jaw, or holding your nose and blowing SLIGHTLY. DO NOT FORCE IT!

Also as a nice little trick, some people find it easier to look upward as it helps open the Eustachian tubes (Ear tubes) open up when trying to equalize.

If none of that works see your Doctor, unfortunately there are some people who physically just can not dive. Better to not be a diver no matter how much we want to encourage you then to have blown ear drums.

Finally I highly encourage you to find an English speaking dive center near you that offers certified courses such as PADI. It is highly important that you have an instructor that you can communicate with. Scuba is a very dangerous sport if you do not have the proper training before hand.

Finally keep us up to date, we would love to hear that everything worked out. Have fun, be safe, and get wet!
Harb1456 - 2/04/2013 7:59 PM
thanks i am planning on going to Athans scuba park when they open to get certified. i thank my ears will be ok like i said when i went diving before it give me no issues.
diverray - 2/09/2013 4:33 PM
If you are talking about ear pressure when free diving in a pool, then you may not have a problem at all. Most swimmers don’t equalize when they dive deep into the pool, and feel the ear discomfort from the pressure. You are taught to equalize pressure in your diving course, and it’s an entirely different situation.
I hope this is what you meant. Welcome to diving and DiveBuddy.
Harb1456 - 2/09/2013 4:55 PM
I thanks that will help like I said I been before just scared if it does not work out.