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Robert from Friendswood TX | Scuba Diver



Greg - 3/04/2007 12:00 AM
This picture is for you...

Greg - 1/10/2007 12:00 AM
So I guess you don`t own a computer anymore or soemthing...or else you hibernate for the winter. Where are you?
Greg - 12/11/2006 12:00 AM
Hey man, how have you been? Been diving lately?
robadub - 8/18/2006 12:00 AM
Had a great time with you and pirate. anytime any place... I`m there...
piratediver - 8/02/2006 12:00 AM
if you want a good and fun dive buddy odessys the diver you want. think we`re narced at 5ft i think thats giving us too much credit lol, it was fun, fridays looking good.
Greg - 8/01/2006 12:00 AM
Bobby is a great diver with awesome gear and a good attitude. He would make a great dive buddy for anyone!