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Jason from Tomball TX | Scuba Diver

I have been diving for years and enjoy getting out at least once a month.


Rip - 8/23/2016 11:45 AM
Hey, thanks for the add. I am still working on equipment shipping - should be over the next few weeks. Once I have the rest of it I will send out notices :)

I am usually free over the weekends.
Moor3061 - 8/27/2016 6:02 PM
Sure, I try to get out at least once a month. Send me a text at 713-380-8054, it easier to communicate.
BillDog - 6/02/2016 9:16 AM
Hi Jason,

I should be free to go diving on weekends starting June 11-12. Let me know the next time you’re going out.
