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Phillip from El Paso TX | Scuba Diver



CyberDriver - 7/02/2015 9:00 PM
I’m here to chat with people with common interests and scuba diving will always be one of my passions. To tell the truth I haven’t been active for a few years as I have been a Truck Driver for 8 years and counting. My last career was at White Sands Missile Range for approximately 18 years with Raytheon. As a young engineer I took trips to Mexico and loved diving off the Beach in San Carlos.
I have fond memories of camping on the beach under a full moon with a nice camp fire going and in the morning sunrise, a new day, a new tank of air and lots of fish to chase.....
Now I deliver Walmart everyday bringing Frozen Dairy to all the local stores in El Paso, making trips up to Los Lunas, Nm every night to reload. I have dreams of diving trips when I decide to finally retire and have fun again!